15 Reasons to Choose Your Website with WordPress

15 Reasons to Choose Your Website with WordPress

Business reasons

There are many reasons why using WordPress as the CMS platform for your website would help your organisation.

No licence fees

WordPress is open-source: all software updates are free for life and there are no licencing fees!

No vendor lock

You’re never going to be locked into long contracts and you can quickly shift suppliers.

You own your data

Your data will never be locked into the proprietary system of a supplier. You own all of your data and can walk away from it any time you want it to be exported with zero charges!

Multiple user roles

Multiple user roles are supported by WordPress out of the box: super admin, admin, editor, author and contributor are already built into this powerful platform!

User-friendly and familiar

WordPress is so popular because it’s so easy to use. There is also a minimum learning curve so that the cost of training your employees is minimal too – on top of that, your employees are likely to have worked with WordPress before so that they can use your platform without any training!

Powerful tool for content marketing

For advertisers and publishers, WordPress is the tool of choice. It has built-in state of the art publishing resources such as preview, plan an article, revisions and much more that will make the life of your editorial team so much easier!

Technical reasons

WordPress SEO

In reality, WordPress is the platform of choice for SEO experts, giving you the best start to score high in search engines.


WordPress has a source code comprehensively peer-reviewed. WordPress is used by the most security-conscious entities like Facebook and the government – running almost the same version as you do!

WordPress REST API

WordPress can be converted into anything from a fully featured, easy-to-use intranet solution to a web-based application thanks to its extensibility via REST APIs.

Unique design

WordPress will not limit the vision of your new website, nor the imagination of a designer. WordPress is a CMS that is absolutely versatile!


Do you need to connect to Salesforce, Pardot or MailChimp from your website? What about monitoring, membership, forums or user accounts? WordPress’s got you covered.

Multilingual sites

With its WordPress Multisite setup or the use of common translation plugins, WordPress makes it easy to create multilingual sites.

Performance reasons


WordPress is happy to follow them, whatever the benchmarks are. Will you need to appeal to a foreign crowd? WordPress will connect to your favourite CDN and distribute your content across the globe at top speed.


WordPress has a stable code base, rich infrastructure and ongoing development, making it one of the most reliable and stable pieces of software out there.


WordPress scales gracefully, which is why WordPress is chosen by the biggest high-traffic sites to offer its content every day to millions of users.

Hopefully, all these mentioned Reasons to Choose Your Website with WordPress may influence you to move on wordpress. While WordPress assuring you a seamless conversion if you still confused about to move or migration on WordPress? You can hire a WordPress Security Experts  for the ultimate solution for WordPress Security & development for better business growth.

Published by WordpressWebsite.in

WordPressWebsite.in is a top-performing WordPress Website development company in India with over 9+ years of experience. We have worked with clients worldwide and feel elated to share 100% customer satisfaction. Our dedicated team focuses on converting your dream website into reality by developing & designing a top-notch WordPress website that aligns with your business goals. To cater to the varying demands of our clients, we also offer Custom WordPress Website Development services.

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