Cakes, Food

Different Types of Love Heart Cake to Try

love heart velvet cake

Is it Valentine’s Day coming close or the anniversary for which you are preparing with decoration and cake. Be any occasion, it is mandatory to begin or end the best time of your life with a cake. Love is a gesture that you need to express well and with love heart cake thing can go smoother. You can enjoy expressing your feelings through the heart-shaped cake as it gives more of a personal touch.

Types To Try:

  • Red Velvet Cake: Made from utter love and romance, this love heart cake comes with red velvet layers which are usually piled up with the cream cheese icing. It is also topped up with the red cake crumbles that gives more catchy attention.
  • Pastel Flower Heart: This is another perfect example to celebrate the occasion. This cake if you top it with butter cream can give you more of a smooth finishing which you can top with the gorgeous flowers with some pretty stripes along.
  • Rainbow Heart Cakes: For the more fascinating cake, this love heart unique styling matter can give you the instant feel. With layers of rainbow cake which is baked in different low pans, this cake if it is cut with a cookie cutter and piled up with butter cream would give you a mind-blowing effect.

Choices are many but the decision is yours. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make the most of it by choosing the right love heart cake that your partner will love to have with you during the celebration.

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