5 Compelling Reasons Why Grease Trap Service Is Essential


· Hydro Jetting,Grease Trap,SepticTankCleaning

Restaurant owners understand how important grease traps are for their business. Grease trap collects the fats, oil, and grease from cooked food and stops it from entering main sewer lines. But when these grease traps become full, it can cause other problems. Therefore, calling a renowned grease trap service Roseville is vital to keep them clean from time to time. While grease trap cleaning can be done by yourself also, hiring professionals means safe and hassle-free grease trap cleaning. Unmaintained and unclean grease traps can cause the kitchen sink to backup, pipes to become clogged, and a number of other issues. 

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Here are the most compelling reasons why grease trap service is essential if you have a restaurant business: 

Clogged Pipes 

Clogged grease traps can be reasons for clogging the pipes. As grease and fats can find their way into the pipes and get them blocked. So, to prevent these plumbing problems, it’s vital you get them cleaned timely. When pipes are clogged, a grease trap cleaning service will not help, you will need to go for an effective solution like hydro-jetting Auburn to get the issue resolved. 

Prevent septic tank blockages

Failing to clean grease traps regularly can lead to sewer and septic tank blockages. The grease and other food waste can reach the inlet pipe connected to the septic tank.  An overflowing or a clogged grease trap, thus, can cause inlet pipe to become clogged and create septic tank problems. Regular grease trap pumping and septic pumping Auburn services are a must to keep your plumbing in good condition and prevent harm to the environment.

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A Foul Odor 

Do you know what happens when the food waste gets clogged in the grease trap? 

You will begin to smell a bad odor spread out all through your kitchen and maybe making its way into your restaurant’s sitting area.  This can make your customers leave your restaurant. 

Causes the kitchen sink to back up

A backed-up kitchen sink in a food restaurant is often the result of unclean and unkept grease traps. Overflowing kitchen sink and this backed up sink becomes the perfect breeding ground for the origination of diseases. Your staff and your customers can catch bacterial diseases and other viral diseases because of this dirty problem. This clogged and overflowing grease trap can also cause damage to other parts of the kitchen. So, if you have a grease trap, their cleaning and maintenance become a necessary job for you.  

Keeping the environment of your restaurant hygienic 

Grease trap cleaning and maintenance service are so important if you want to keep the area of the restaurant clean, hygienic, and free of diseases. Regular grease trap maintenance service will allow you to have a good and healthy surrounding that will encourage your customers to keep coming back. If you don’t want your staff and customers to get exposed to unhygienic conditions and then fall sick, you have to get them cleaned on time. In fact, you can face a hefty fine or even a lawsuit if you fail to operate a food business in healthy and risk-free conditions. You may lose your food business too.