Miqat for Umrah: What Is It?

Miqat is an Arabic word that signifies “specified location.” It is for Hajj/Umrah, and it marks the time when pilgrimage ceremonies must commence. The very first requirement of Ihram is time and place. It refers to the point at which pilgrims must wear Ihram apparel and are not permitted to proceed unless they are in the condition of Ihram. Those who transcend the line without entering the state of Ihram should expiate with an animal sacrifice. Furthermore, if a pilgrim already resides in Jeddah, then they must enter Ihram for Umrah from somewhere outside Haram.

For the performance of Umrah, you can avail a variety of Group Umrah Packages. A group would be concerned about each other and will make you aware of the exact time and location of wearing Ihram.

Historical Perspective

When Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H) wife, Aisha (R.A), requested him to undertake Umrah on her own. He directed her brother “Abdul Rahman” to accompany her to Al-Tan’im in order for her to access Miqat for Umrah. It was the nearest location that was outside of Haram in Makkah.

The notion that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) never chose Umrah from “Al-Bat-ha” is based on the premise that he was always looking for simpler choices. The Prophet prescribed the number of locations for those performing Hajj and Umrah. Umrah to Makkah can be performed both inside and outside of this division.

Rites Before Entering Miqat

Before arriving here, a pilgrim heading for Umrah should don Ihram. They must wear Ihram clothing and declare an intent to undertake Umrah, as well as remain in the condition of Ihram until all ceremonies are performed. This needs to be completed before reaching Jeddah.

5 Miqat Boundaries, Their Names, and Locations

Here’s a list of five Miqat boundaries along with their names and distances:

Dhul-Hulayfah (Abyar Ali) – 450 km

Dhul Hulayfah is situated southwest of Masjid al-Nabwi. It is intended for residents of Madinah as well as those that travel to Makkah through the exact pathway. It is approximately 9 kilometers from Madinah and approximately 450 kilometers from Makkah.

Dhat-Irq – 94 km

This Miqat is located nearly 94 kilometers northeast of Makkah. This is certainly relevant for the pilgrims of Iran, Iraq, China, Russia, etc. Throughout Hajj, this Miqat is utilized on the journey from Makkah to Kufa.

Qarn Al-Manazil (As-Sayl) – 80 km

This is a hilly area near Taif, it’s around 80 kilometers east of Makkah. This is the Miqat for the inhabitants of Najd as well as pilgrims from the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Pakistan, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and other nations.

Yalamlam (As-Sadiah) – 100 km

This Miqat is a mountainous region 100 kilometers to the southeast of Makkah. This route is used by people traveling from Yemen. It is also used by pilgrims from Japan, India, China, Pakistan, as well as those traveling by sea.

Rabigh (Al-Juhfa) – 183 km

It is located 183 kilometers, northwest of Makkah. This direction is commonly used by people coming from Syria, Egypt, North Africa, Europe, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, and many other African countries. Pilgrims can also access Ihram at Rabigh, a town close to the north of al-Juhfa.