Road Dust Control Contractors

Pavement Service
2 min readMay 20, 2021

Where there is a dust outbreak on the road (or on a building site), there are many solutions available. Let’s get your dust problem resolved as soon as possible. The following page describes the advantages of reducing road dust and also gives details about road dust control contractors. We also discuss our remedies for gravel, soil stability, and other unpaved road issues.

Road Dust Control Contractors

Before you look for road dust control near me, you should make yourself aware of the following.

The Advantages of Road Dust Control

1 — Enhance Air Quality

The importance of air quality in dust management cannot be overstated. And it is significant to government departments. When the air is clean, you will see further, and the muddy road or work site would not bother your neighbors.

2 — Safety

A dusty road can make for a hazardous working environment. Dust will clog your protection efforts because it disrupts and clogs the ventilation.

3 — Increase Visibility

Your ability to see declines as dust circulates through the air. Dust will get into your eyes and obscure your vision when driving. Less dust in your eyes would enable you to see more clearly.

4- Save Water

Water trucks are often used to slow down dust issues. However, water evaporates easily, but the expense persists. Water is not free, and it will bring a significant expense to the bottom line over time.

5- Reduce Equipment Maintenance Costs

Dust wreaks havoc on generators and cars. This results in a constant need for cleaning, which can be easily eliminated with help from road dust control contractors.

6 — Avoid Illness Caused by Dust

Dust in the lungs may have a detrimental impact on health over time.

Strategies For Road Dust Control

1 — Topical Treatments

Topical applications are extended to the subject’s surface. Apply uniformly with pressurized spray machines, dealer vans, spray trailers, or hand sprayers for the optimal effect. Allow at least 24 hours for the content to set before resuming traffic.

2 — Soil stabilization at greater depth

The following is the procedure for additional depth soil stabilization. Scarify, till, or break the surface of the soil or gravel to a depth of 3 or 4 inches. Use pressurized spray equipment to apply the stuff.

3 — Full Lime/Cement Stabilization

Soil stabilization is the process of modifying soils to improve their physical properties. Stabilization can improve a soil’s shear strength and/or regulate its shrink-swell properties, increasing the load-bearing capability of a sub-grade to protect pavements and foundations.

Please contact our office for your road dust control near me needs.

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