
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Two Christian brothers killed due to Majority’s Dominance & practice of How Dare You! Philosophy in Pakistan.

Christians in Pakistan shocked over the Dominance mindset & practice of How Dare You! Philosophy resulting in brutal murder of Two Christian brother just because the Christian family complained and stopped a neighbor’s child from scratching the paint of their pickup van. 

That afternoon the argument started when Christian family tried to stop their neighbor Abdul Majeed’s children from scratching their pickup. Outraged over Christians telling their child what not to do the son of Abdul Majeed stormed into the house of Javed Masih and started abusing and breaking things. At that time Salman was present in the house who pushed him out of his house and there was exchange of harsh words as well between both men.  

The father of Javed Masih arrived home and went to see Abdul Majeed and complained him about his son’s bragging into their house and abusive behavior. Abdul Majeed at that moment agreed to end this quarrel but later on along with his sons Amjad & Naveed decided to teach a lesson to Salman due to afternoon’s brawl.  So three of them armed themselves with knives and planned an ambush. 

Unfortunate Javed Masih stepped out of house to bring few things from market and at that moment Abdul Majeed, Amjad & Naveed seized and stabbed him to death using knives. Upon hearing his elder brother calling for help and cries Salman rushed out to see what has happened and at the same moment they stabbed him as well. Javed Masih age 45 father of four children died at the spot while Salman Masih age 19 who was recently married died at the hospital later that night. As Amjad & Naveed were stabbing Javed and Salman using knives the father Abdul Majeed was cheering his sons stating,” kill them, how dare they!” 

A case was registered against Abdul Majeed and his sons on Thursday. All three have been arrested. The Father of murdered boys demand Justice from PM. Imran Khan who on many occasions have highlighted that urge to make Pakistan an equal society for Christians and other religious minorities. Although I respect the sentiments of PM. Imran Khan but the main concern is how he’s going to change the mindset which resulted into this brutal act over a minor argument. A philosophy that believes Christians cannot be considered equal to majority population in Pakistan. A philosophy that believes Christians in Pakistan is an alien community planted by British & European Church. A philosophy that believes themselves superior as majority and consider it social obligation of Christians to stay low and bear along without complaining. 

In case if Christians complain or try to protect their basic human rights the brutal side, How Dare You! Philosophy comes into action. This behavior against Christians is a reality in Pakistan, all those false accusations & charges, murders, rape, villages & towns turned to ashes, imprisonment, and denial of rights are due to deep rooted Majority’s Dominance & How Dare You, Philosophy. Almost in all cases and incidents against Christian community you will clearly see this mindset in action. Can PM. Imran Khan change this Philosophy?